Jujutsu Kaisen

Sensei Satoru Gojo is one of the beloved character in famous Jujutsu Kaisen manga published by Shueisha. In the recent chapter 235 of Shueisha Gojo sensei scared the hell out of Sukuna for the first time in over 1000 years by using the Hollow Purple and gain superior advantage in the fight. However, in chapter 236 the table has turned, and Sukuna overpowered the greatest Gojo and slashed him in two halves. Fans are still in shock and can’t believe that Sukuna can beat Gojo out of the blue. 

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Sukuna used the Mahorga Shikigami technique to train and adapt Gojo's infinity twice. Resulting me slashed into halves

In this article, we will discuss that Gojo is dead in Jutjutus kaisen once for all or still there’s a hope and slight chance of Gojo’s return. 

Gojo is Dead in Jujutsu Kaisen? 

Yes, Gojo is dead!!!! spoiler alert and was Killed by Sukuna in the latest Chapter 236. Fans are still confused how did Sukuna pulled off a killer move on Gojo which appears to be happened off-screen. 

Before chapter 236, we saw that Sukuna had been using Mahoraga the most powerful shikigami of the Ten Shadows Technique to adapt the infinity of Gojo.  

Sukuna was trying to pull off attack of his own on Gojo. However, by using Mohoraga’s adaption model he wanted to defeat the infinity.  

Sukuna was using Mohoraga in order to defeat the Gojo’s inviolability attack and he succeeded in doing so in chapter 236. Mahoraga earlier had slashed the Gojo’s arm once and got adapted to Gojo infinity. Mahoraga with his immense power can drag/slash Gojo to several building which he did to Sukuna.

Sukuna also described that Mahoraga got exposed to Gojo’s infinity twice. The first time Mahoraga changes his own cursed energy to overcome Gojo’s infinity. However, Sukuna was failed to transformed, resulted him forcing Shikigami Mahoraga to adapt more during the enthralling battle with Gojo. 

Sukuna explains the Mahorags technique to analyse the opponent and continue to adpat further increasing the chance of winning.

The outcome of the Mahoraga adaptability was a slashing attack which Sukuna wasn’t able to create during the battle. Mahoraga used the cursed technique in a level that it can cut through several building in front of him, space and anything which is existing in world. 

With this detrimental slash Mahoraga cut Gojo’ in two halves in chapter 236. There’s sadness in the JJK fans after this battle and hoping Gojo’s return using the reverse curse technique.

Will Gojo return to life? 

No, Gojo will not return to life as Gojo has accepted his death based on the conversation with Geto and other in his dream/cursed realm. 

As a Gojo fan I really want to see a plot twist and gojo’s return from the death, it will be really amazing to see what chapter 237 will unfold for us? 

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